
Today, it is very difficult to choose those who really need help, because many people have left their homes, moved, lost everything, home or family... But there are also those who constantly take care of people, try to rehabilitate children with disabilities or psycho-emotional disorders .

Recently, we were contacted by the "Malva" Center, which provides psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation for people under 35 years of age, children, internally displaced citizens, and persons with disabilities. In addition to specialized activities, the complex offers free hot meals and can house displaced people who have lost their property or have nowhere to live.
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With ongoing power outages, blackouts, and ever-changing schedules, the center is in dire need of generators to continue humanitarian aid to victims and rehabilitation for people with disabilities. Thanks to the constant work of the Association Fund, we managed to provide this institution with the necessary equipment, so that continuous assistance was provided in a timely manner!
Thank you to everyone who cooperates with us, because only thanks to your donations and active activities, people will be able to get food, the opportunity to work with specialized specialists and restore their psychological state, including children, who are currently having a very difficult time!
We are working for Victory, We believe in the Armed Forces!