
Recently, they visited a pious family with many children, consisting of parents and 14 children, with a large humanitarian basket.

People are very sincere and generous and have their own difficult life history, because they are currently raising two girls of their own who were born with disabilities. One child is completely blind, and the other needs significant efforts, because he has developmental peculiarities.

Today, such brave and spiritual families do not have the means for a dignified existence, because the state has stopped some payments. They need help, things, toys, etc.

That is why we visited them, and were very pleasantly surprised by how people who have practically nothing can be really, truly, hospitable, open, friendly and grateful. We arrived with packages that the children joyfully opened, and the parents were incredibly grateful. Products, various sweets, oil, cereals, children's educational games, things, baby food, etc. were handed over to the family.
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