Providing assistance to insulin addicts who during the war do not have the opportunity to purchase the necessary drugs in Ukraine
Providing assistance to insulin addicts who during the war do not have the opportunity to purchase the necessary drugs in Ukraine
The global medical and social problem is exacerbated not only during natural disasters but also during military conflicts. Diabetes is an economic problem, not only for the health care system, but also for the patient and his family due to expensive treatment. Helping patients to obtain self-control systems, a medicine is a socially significant project.
Insulin-dependent people are at risk, and during the war not everyone has the opportunity to buy the necessary medicines in pharmacies or get them in medical institutions, not because of prices, but because of their absence in pharmacies and hospitals. Our task is to provide patients and medical institutions with the necessary drugs to support patients with diabetes.
The purpose of the project:
1. Provide insulin-dependent people with the necessary drugs, insulin;2. Patients with type 2 diabetes should be provided with the necessary medication to maintain blood sugar levels;
3. To provide medical institutions with medicines, insulin, special food for such people and others necessary for the provision of medical care to patients with diabetes mellitus of various types.
Target group:
1. State, private and international institutions, associations and organizations to ensure the livelihood of insulin-dependent people in Ukraine;2. Ukrainian companies, enterprises for the manufacture and sale of drugs for insulin addicts.
Prpject cost:
1. Insulin, drugs to maintain blood sugar levels;2. Purchase of glucometers for patients and medical institutions;
3. Purchase of special food.