Provision of resuscitation and operating departments of hospitals in the East and South of Ukraine with the necessary consumables and equipment

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Currently, most hospitals in the East and South of Ukraine have an exceptional influx of urgent patients who most often require resuscitation measures and rapid surgical intervention. Each new shelling of our territories is accompanied by a large number of people with serious injuries. As a result, there is a constant need for various means for resuscitation and operations. Quite often, hospitals simply do not have time to replenish their supplies, and organizations such as our Association come to the rescue. This program is aimed at providing hospitals with the most necessary to save lives. We provide a wide variety of medical supplies free of charge: masks, gowns, syringes and needles, dressing materials, various medical equipment components, surgical and resuscitation kits, laparoscopic clamps, otoscopes, oxygen masks and tubes for them, lumbar puncture kits and much more.


Strengthen the material and technical support of base hospitals located near the combat zone.

Target group:

State medical institutions of the East and South of Ukraine.