
Recently, it became known that from August 1, 2022, electronic prescriptions for antibiotics will be introduced in Ukraine. Today, the Ministry of Health answered the most common questions on this matter.
The Ministry of Health reminds that the issuing of electronic prescriptions for such drugs will be available only to health care institutions registered in the EHS (electronic health care system).

Which doctors will issue electronic prescriptions for antibiotics
An electronic prescription can be obtained directly at the doctor's appointment. The technical possibility of issuing prescriptions will be available to both public and private doctors. A doctor of any level of medical care and specialization can prescribe a prescription - therapist, surgeon, dentist, etc. The main condition is that the institution and doctors must be registered in the electronic health care system. If the institution to which you have applied does not yet work with ESOZ, the doctor will write a paper prescription.
Is a declaration required to receive an e-prescription?
A declaration is not required to receive an electronic prescription for antibiotics. However, the patient must be registered in the electronic health care system. This can be done in two ways: by making a declaration with a family doctor, or by directly registering for an appointment with any doctor. For this, it is enough for the patient to have an identity document (domestic or international passport, ID card, birth certificate for children) and the registration number of the taxpayer registration card (TIN) (mandatory for everyone who has reached the age of 14, with the exception of the patient refused to acquire such a number, which is confirmed by the corresponding mark in the patient's passport);
This means that those Ukrainians who are temporarily forced to change their place of residence will be able to get a prescription from a doctor without a declaration.
In which pharmacy can you buy medicine with an e-prescription
During the transition period, the patient will be able to purchase the necessary prescription drugs at any pharmacy. For this, it is enough to present an information certificate, which the doctor will issue as confirmation of the e-prescription, or a paper prescription. Please note that you can buy an antibiotic by prescription within 30 days from the moment of its discharge.
Is it possible to pay off the e-prescription partially, i.e. purchase a smaller amount of the drug than indicated in the prescription?
In the prescription, the doctor indicates the active substance of the drug, dosage and duration of treatment. Instead, the patient can decide for himself about the brand of the drug and partially repay the prescription according to his budget. The functionality of the electronic prescription allows you to make a partial dispensing of drugs and divide the purchase into several times. At the same time, it is not necessary to get a prescription from the doctor again.
When dispensing, the pharmacist will put the stamp "Dispensed" on the information certificate and indicate the quantity of the medicinal product dispensed. With repeated repayment, the patient will be able to use the same prescription.
How to get an antibiotic in combat/occupied territories
There will be an exception for those pharmacies located in the area of hostilities or in the territories that are under temporary occupation or encirclement. Such pharmacies will temporarily be able to continue to dispense prescription antibacterial drugs to patients without a doctor's prescription for the duration of martial law.
The list of such settlements is approved by the relevant order of the Ministry for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories.
How volunteers will be able to purchase antibiotics
As before, volunteer and charity organizations can purchase prescription drugs directly from non-prescription distributors at the request of the relevant institution, military unit or health care institution. In other cases, when it comes to the purchase of antibiotics for individual use through a pharmacy, the release is made according to a doctor's prescription.
How electronic prescriptions will be issued at the hospital
If the medical institution provides inpatient treatment services under the terms of cooperation with the NHSHU, then medical drugs, in particular antibiotics, provided for in the treatment package, must be guaranteed to be provided to the patient free of charge. The patient does not need a prescription for prescribing and using such medicines.
If we are talking about exceptional situations when the patient for certain reasons needs drugs that are not provided for in the treatment package, in this case the hospital doctor will be able to write a prescription for the patient.
Why is the arbitrary purchase of antibiotics prohibited?
An antibiotic is a serious prescription drug that should only be prescribed by a doctor. Only a doctor can determine the expediency of taking an antibiotic, choose an effective active substance, dosage and regimen of taking the drug. Self-prescription and uncontrolled use of antibiotics can not only harm human health, but also stimulate the development of a global problem - antibiotic resistance, as a result of which bacteria acquire resistance to treatment. This can lead to the fact that infectious diseases, which today are quickly and without consequences treated with antibacterial drugs, can become deadly.