
Due to the start of a full-scale war, a huge number of Ukrainians were forced to leave their homes. According to the Ministry of Education and Culture, as of the end of spring, there were more than 8,000,000 internally displaced persons in our country. In connection with this, the question arose about how to act in order to receive medical assistance from a family doctor already at the new place of residence.
The Ministry of Health noted that when moving to another region, you should contact the nearest outpatient clinic or primary care center. It is not necessary to make a new declaration for this.

The services provided by the Medical Guarantee Program will still be free of charge. For example, you can get an examination and consultation with a primary care doctor, take a blood test or cardiogram, get vaccinated, get prescriptions under the Affordable Medicines program or referral to narrow specialists, etc., free of charge. . If you live in the same place as before, and your doctor has changed his place of residence and you have lost contact with him, you can make a new declaration with another doctor
In order to conclude a declaration with another family doctor, you should:
• Provide the doctor or other responsible medical worker with the original passport or other document certifying the identity of the patient and/or his legal representative, as well as the registration number of the taxpayer's registration card, the child's birth certificate (if you are submitting a declaration for a child);
• Wait until he/she enters your data into the electronic register;
• Sign two paper copies of the declaration. Done!