
We continue the series of materials on the rules of first aid in case of various injuries. Today we will talk about the algorithm of actions during concussion detection.
Let’s start with the theory.
A concussion is a brain injury caused by an impact. As a result of the injury, the soft tissue by inertia hits the internal vaults of the skull. Symptoms of a concussion include loss of consciousness or memory, impaired hearing and vision, nausea, and severe headaches.

Algorithm of actions during the provision of first aid to a victim with a concussion:
1. First of all, you should, as always, promptly call an ambulance;
2. Next, if the person is unconscious, it is necessary to establish whether he is breathing.
3. If the person is breathing and unconscious, turn him on his side;
4. If there is no breathing, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be performed;
5. If a person is conscious and feels only a severe headache, they should be given an analgesic (analgesic – paracetamol or other drugs of similar action are suitable);
6. The victim should be placed comfortably and the cervical spine must be immobilized.
ЯIf the blow was the result of an explosion, you should make sure that the victim did not receive a concussion. You can find out about the rules of first aid during a concussion at the link.