Probably every Ukrainian has seen a photo with the local Hatiko, whose name is Rini. How much did the poor animal have to endure…

His mistress, living in the occupation for almost a month, suffered devastating atrocities and abuse.
38-year-old Tatiana was killed during the occupation of the village. The woman lived alone with the dog, the man died because of the “covid".
Tatiana was ready to leave the village, but did not have time. At the last moment, a military occupying force broke into her house. Threatening with a weapon, he led her to a nearby house. Tatiana died in this house. Everything in the room was turned upside down, scattered. The occupiers ruled there for a month. There was evidence of their crimes everywhere. In the mirror they wrote that an unknown girl was buried outside the house in the garden.
Tatiana was ready to leave the village, but did not have time. At the last moment, a military occupying force broke into her house. Threatening with a weapon, he led her to a nearby house. Tatiana died in this house. Everything in the room was turned upside down, scattered. The occupiers ruled there for a month. There was evidence of their crimes everywhere. In the mirror they wrote that an unknown girl was buried outside the house in the garden.

In the photo Tatiana with her godchildren
Investigators together with forensic experts carried out actions to exhume the body. Neighbor Victoria, who went to a safe place with her son at the time, said that there was a sign near the grave installed by the occupiers. Tatiana endured many abuses until she was killed.
The date of burial, March 15, 2022 and the following words in Russian were indicated on the plate:
The date of burial, March 15, 2022 and the following words in Russian were indicated on the plate:
“She was tortured by unknown people. Buried by Russian soldiers “
On the same day, another homeland was affected. Neighbors also broke into Tatiana’s neighbors, Oles and Oleksandr’s wife. Olesya would have suffered the same fate as Tatiana, if one of the enemy soldiers had not come to his senses and stood up for her. The man was wounded by neighbors. He tried to protect his wife, but came under enemy fire and died a few days later from his injuries.
All crimes committed in the village are already being investigated by the Security Service of Ukraine and are being investigated by international courts. The villagers told about all the abuse they endured.

The dog of the murdered Tatiana is currently waiting for a new mistress Nadezhda together with Olena, who is taking care of her. Rini likes the delicacies with which she is treated and the new warm overalls. Nadiya says that she saw a video with an animal on the porch at night, and in the morning she went to look for it. When she first saw Rina exhausted, she burst into tears, and she came over and licked her.
“I saw him sitting… I can’t do that. I have an akitos and, God forbid, if this was the case for me, I would very much like my dog to be taken away as well, and for the dog to have a normal family. “
– says Nadezhda with tears in her eyes.

Rini likes the gift, she poses on the lawn in front of the camera and seems to get used to the new mistress.