
“The battle for Donbas" has not started yet, and there are several reasons for that, Pavlo Kyrylenko stressed.
Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, 238 civilians have died in the Donetsk region. But these data do not include losses in the blockade of Mariupol. This was stated by the head of the Donetsk Regional State Administration Pavlo Kyrylenko in an interview with RBC-Ukraine, published on Friday, April 15.
“On the 50th day of resistance, this number reaches 238 dead and 772 wounded. This is officially confirmed data. Without Mariupol."
“They are gathering forces. We see that they are regrouped and ready for simultaneous mass attacks with the use of all their units, which are tied in this direction. There are many of them."
– Pavlo Kyrylenko noted and added that the weather is not conducive to the offensive.
In addition, there is a certain inconsistency and open panic among the occupiers.
“They communicate with each other and understand how their blitzkrieg ended with plans to capture the capital in a few days, and what losses they actually have – they are very significant, even for such a large army as the Russian Federation."
– added Kirilenko