
For several years, Varya saved money on her dream iPhone, but gave it away to save at least one life.


In Kropyvnytskyi, a 7-year-old schoolgirl gave all the money from her treasury to volunteers to buy a bulletproof vest for a Ukrainian soldier. The girl saved up for several years to buy a phone. But when the war broke out, she sacrificed her dream without hesitation to save at least one life.


7-year-old Varya Khlevnytska hands over to the Ukrainian soldier a bulletproof vest bought for the money she collected. The military is heartily grateful.


For several years, Varya saved money from hryvnia to hryvnia for her dream iPhone. And almost collected the required amount when the war began. The girl broke her treasury to help the army.


“I just decided to give so that the war would end sooner and help the soldiers"
– says little Varia
The contents of the bulletproof vest were not enough. To collect the rest of the amount, Varya started selling fresh flowers. There were many more who wanted to buy them than bouquets. So the girl began to draw flower arrangements and donate the money to volunteers.


The story of a schoolgirl who donated her treasury to the army moved volunteers. Before the war, they were selling gadgets and had something in stock, so they decided to make a childhood dream come true and gave the little benefactress an iPhone.


Meanwhile, the first-grader and her mother plan to continue volunteering, as Ukrainians gather on social networks and transfer money to Varya for bulletproof vests.