
Members of the Association of Ambulatory Medicine handed over the phototherapy apparatus to the Nikopol maternity hospital
# Activities of the Association, All Categories

Members of the Association of Ambulatory Medicine handed over the phototherapy apparatus to the Nikopol maternity hospital

Yesterday, June 30, representatives of the Association of Ambulatory Medicine handed over a modern phototherapy device to the doctors of the maternity hospital in the city of Nikopol (Dnipropetrovsk region). The head of AAM, Artem ...
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The Ukrainian Association of Ambulatory Physicians handed over humanitarian aid to the pupils of the orphanage
# Activities of the Association, All Categories

The Ukrainian Association of Ambulatory Physicians handed over humanitarian aid to the pupils of the orphanage

Representatives of the Ukrainian Association of Ambulatory Physicians continue to support the pupils of the Dnipro Children's Boarding Home with a department of medical and social rehabilitation. The head of ...
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«I could not leave my patients and my family»: an interview with a doctor who remained in the occupied territories
# Activities of the Association, All Categories, History of doctors

«I could not leave my patients and my family»: an interview with a doctor who remained in the occupied territories

We continue the series of interviews with our fellow doctors, in which we talk about how their lives have changed since the start of the full-scale war. These stories deserve your attention and respect. This ...
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AAM members donated humanitarian aid to the Mother and Child Home in Dnipro
# Activities of the Association, All Categories

AAM members donated humanitarian aid to the Mother and Child Home in Dnipro

Representatives of the Ukrainian Association of Ambulatory Physicians donated food and personal hygiene products to the Dnipro Mother and Child Home, which currently houses 31 people from Dnipro and the region, as well as ...
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Babies born in war: The way of one company to improve the impact of jaundice in newborns in Ukraine
# All Categories, Latest news

Babies born in war: The way of one company to improve the impact of jaundice in newborns in Ukraine

Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, millions of lives have depended on both domestic and international humanitarian supplies. And not just the basics, such as food or clothing, are needed immediately. New life is born under ...
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As a result of the war, about 14 million Ukrainians were unable to receive a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in time
# All Categories, Latest news

As a result of the war, about 14 million Ukrainians were unable to receive a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in time

Chief State Sanitary Doctor Igor Kuzin stated that due to the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, a decrease in the rate of vaccination against COVID-19. Igor Kuzin called on all those who ...
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Representatives of the AAM handed over food to the Dnieper geriatric boarding house
# Activities of the Association, All Categories

Representatives of the AAM handed over food to the Dnieper geriatric boarding house

Members of the Ukrainian Association of Ambualtory Physicians handed over another batch of humanitarian aid to patients of the largest geriatric boarding house in Ukraine, located in the Dnieper. The ...
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You should to know this: how to help a person who is under the rubble
# All Categories, Latest news

You should to know this: how to help a person who is under the rubble

Unfortunately, with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, Ukrainians are forced to learn more and more skills and learn many new facts that can save lives. Today we have prepared for you a material ...
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Scientists have named the number of lives saved due to coronavirus vaccination
# All Categories, Latest news

Scientists have named the number of lives saved due to coronavirus vaccination

The scientific publication The Lancet Infectious Diseases has published a new study on the effectiveness of vaccination against COVID-19 in 2021. According to experts, in the period from December 2020 to December 2021, coronavirus vaccination ...
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Refutation of myths about the Ukrainian medical sphere, which are spread by the occupiers
# All Categories, Latest news

Refutation of myths about the Ukrainian medical sphere, which are spread by the occupiers

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the occupiers have been actively spreading a lot of misinformation about Ukraine. Specialists from Deloitte Consulting, commissioned by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and ...
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