
Members of the Association of Ambulatory Medicine Doctors continue their humanitarian activities, which we would like to thank. Currently, a separate group of IDPs lives in the Synelniky council, which needs comprehensive attention, help, food, warm clothes, hygiene products, medical drugs and heating devices, warm clothes, blankets, etc.
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As of October 17, 2022, more than 20,000 forcibly displaced persons have found shelter in the district. Among them are 8 doctors who have already found employment in 4 communities. There are 9 primary health care centers and 6 central hospitals operating in the district. The Synelnyk District Council of the Dnipropetrovsk Region is headed by Chairman Kostyantyn Valentinovych Kravchenko. Synelnykiv district consists of 19 communities - 2 urban and 17 rural and settlement communities. 216,000 people live in the district. Their interests are represented by 42 deputies of the district council.
Our humanitarian tranche included juices, cereals, pasta, vegetables, fruits, canned goods.
We continue to help, regardless of circumstances and difficulties. Together with the victory there is the restoration of the country. Once again, we are grateful to our donors and charitable organizations