
The association continues its humanitarian activities, providing comprehensive support to citizens who have changed their usual place of residence and moved from the occupied territories to the Dnipropetrovsk region. Currently, they visited the psychoneurological dispensary of medical and sanitary unit No. 6.
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Today, there are 663 citizens in this place who have psychological disorders and need constant treatment, long-term rehabilitation. People were transported from life-threatening areas, occupied cities of the country. Today, it was possible to place everyone in a specialized facility, on the territory of which there are buildings with 2-meter-thick walls and bomb shelters. It is worth noting that this center needs constant attention, food, and basic necessities. Our tranche included fruit, stew, vegetables and cookies.
We thank our donors: new and regular, because thanks to them we continue to reach new institutions where people need help and attention. We work for victory and restoration of the country together!
Humd help was made possible thanks to donors, whose thanks can be viewed at the following link:

AAM received a big lot of human aid: baby food, milk, juices, canned fish, stew - big thanks.