
Experts of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine talked about the algorithm of actions after vaccination of a child.
The message states that if the child is lively and his general condition is satisfactory, he should not be restricted in anything. The child can study, play and do anything they normally do. It is also important to note that if there is no reaction or slight redness in the area where the vaccination was administered, she is allowed to bathe in the shower, pool or sea or lake.

If the child has a slight reaction to the vaccination, you should carefully monitor his well-being. Swelling, mild pain, temporary loss of appetite and a slight increase in temperature are normal, these symptoms should not cause concern for parents.
If you have any concerns, call your family doctor. He must consult you.
The Ministry of Health emphasizes that the vaccine cannot weaken or overload the child's immune system, so one should continue to live a normal life.