
From now on, family doctors in Ukraine have the right to write prescriptions for medical drugs against mental and behavioral disorders and epilepsy. Previously, only neurologists and psychiatrists could perform this function.

The Ministry of Health noted that the list of drugs included in the reimbursement program includes more than 50 different drugs against schizophrenia, epilepsy, as well as affective, neurotic, delusional, somatoform and other disorders.
To get a repeat prescription during martial law, you can contact any primary care doctor (a declaration is not required for this). It is important that the patient has a treatment plan from a psychiatrist or neurologist entered in the EHS. Based on this data, the primary care doctor can write a prescription. If there is a connection with your family doctor, you can contact him. A doctor can write a prescription even remotely if he has access to the EHS
It is also important to note that within the framework of the “Affordable Medicines" program, Ukrainians can receive these medicines either with a minimal surcharge or even for free. To get them, you should apply with a prescription (paper or electronic) to any pharmacy that has a contract with the National Health Service.
We will remind you that recently we also wrote about the fact that the National Health Service announced who is entitled to a free gastroscopy.