
Unfortunately, with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, Ukrainians are forced to learn more and more skills and learn many new facts that can save lives. Today we have prepared for you a material about the algorithm of actions during the rescue of a person who was trapped. We hope that you will never have to put this knowledge into practice.

Algorithm of actions how to help the victim
There are two scenarios: if a person has been under constipation for less than or more than 10 minutes. There is a significant difference. We explain below.
If a person has been under the rubble for less than 10 minutes, you should:
1) First of all, it is necessary to call rescuers and medics;
2) The victim should be provided with psychological assistance (ie reassure him and convince him that the threat has passed);
3) Try to release the compressed part of the body on your own;
4) If the person has been released and is bleeding, it should be stopped with a tourniquet or tight bandage. If you see that the victim has fractures, the limb should be immobilized with the help of improvised means or a splint;
5) Try to warm the victim with a blanket or your own clothes;
6) Wait for the arrival of medics and stay calm.
If a person has been under rubble for more than 10 minutes, you should:
If at the time you come to the rescue, the person has been under the blockage for more than 10 minutes or is unconscious, it should never be touched. The only thing you can do is to call an ambulance and SES as soon as possible. If the person is conscious, find out the most detailed circumstances of the injury. This will help doctors provide quality care and increase the chances of survival of the victim. If it is possible to warm a person, do it.
We will remind, recently we wrote that according to the Ministry of Health, the majority of Ukrainians because of war need the psychological help
According to the materials: Ministry of Health of Ukraine