
The city of Orikhiv, Pologi district, is shelled by the enemy every day. People’s houses, dormitories, a hospital, and a temple come under chaotic fire. During one of these shellings, a Ukrainian defender saved a child.
Fighter Vladyslav with the call sign “Amanita", who is now defending the territory of Orikhiv region, covered the girl during the shelling. It saved her life.
The name of the rescued girl is Anya, she is about 4-5 years old. Fighter “Amanita" is now looking for the child and her mother to meet them in person. If you know Anya or someone close to her, contact the Orikhiv City Council. This was announced on her Facebook page by Orikhova Deputy Mayor Svitlana Mandrych.
"During one of the shellings by the enemy of our city, Vlad, under the call sign Amanita, closed a 4-5-year-old girl. Her name is Anya. Now our hero Mukhomorchik really wants to find Anya and her mother. Please respond, contact the city council. Nuts is Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!"
Sourse — iz.com.ua