
On May 4, the press center of the “Vidkrityy" TV channel hosted a press conference on the topic: “The Association of Ambulatory Physicians has attracted 300 tons of humanitarian aid from European countries: a report on the activities of the AAM for two months of war."
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The event was attended by Artem Svodkovsky, Chairman of the Ukrainian Association of Ambulatory Physicians, and Anna Popkova, a leading lawyer for the Absolute Judicial Dispute Resolution Practice.
AAM Chairman Artem Svodkovsky said that the Association was established in 2019 and currently has about 21,000 representatives. The head office is located in Dnipro, and regional offices are located in most regions of Ukraine. Prior to the beginning of active hostilities, the main goal of the AAM was cultural, educational and organizational activities. However, after February 24, the vector of development changed dramatically.
«When the war broke out, we could not stand aside. We decided to connect all our connections to provide humanitarian aid to those who needed it. We put a lot of emphasis on our medical colleagues. For them, we have attracted and continue to attract medical equipment, drugs and other necessary things. We also put a lot of effort into helping displaced people, the National Guard, the SRO and even animal shelters. In general, we try to help everyone who needs it. We are glad that we can be useful»
Also one of the achievements of the Association of Outpatient Medicine was the opening of the charity fund “Foundation of the Ukrainian Association of Ambulatory Physicians" in Lithuania and the international audit of Baker Tilly Ukraine. This became possible thanks to the support of the law firm “Absolute".
«We, as a law representative of the Association, have made every effort to complete as soon as possible all the documents necessary for the opening of the European Charitable Foundation and for the audit of Baker Tilly Ukraine. Thanks to these achievements, we managed to prove the transparency of the organization's work and increase its significance in the international arena, not in words but in deeds. Now the Ukrainian Association of Outpatient Physicians will be able to more easily and quickly find donors who, in turn, will provide humanitarian assistance to Ukrainians»,
It is important to note that the Association of Outpatient Medicine accepts donations to support our humanitarian work. All details can be found at the link
The full video from the press conference can be found below.