
Recently, members of the Ukrainian Association of Ambulatory Physicians donated humanitarian aid, which included a variety of clothing, to a volunteer center «SpivDiya Hub» – Dnipro».
The headquarters was opened on the initiative of the Office of the President of Ukraine on the basis of the Youth Center. Such hubs exist in all regional centers, but the largest of them is based in the Dnipro. About 100 volunteers and coordinators work in it every day.
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The main task of the “SpivDiya Hub – Dnipro" is to provide assistance to displaced persons and socially vulnerable groups living in the region. And they, in turn, are helped by international organizations and Ukrainian companies. In addition, anyone can make a donation.
Recently, representatives of the Association of Outpatient Medicine donated a consignment of humanitarian aid to SpivDiya Hub-Dnipro.
«We managed to receive cargo from the city authorities of Ternopil, which included about 15 large boxes of women's, men's and children's clothing. We hope that it will be useful for IDPs who have left their homes almost empty-handed. We strive to make their stay in the Dnieper and the region more comfortable»
Rafael Kizhner, coordinator of the SpivDia Hub-Dnipro, said that the center was established on March 16 and has received almost 100 tons of humanitarian aid from donors from around the world, which is about 25,000 food kits for migrants and citizens.
«Approximately 1000-1500 new families who need help come to us every day. These are not only migrants, but also local residents who have found themselves in a difficult situation due to the beginning of hostilities and are unable to buy basic things - food, personal hygiene products, clothes. Unfortunately, our reserves are not endless, so we are in dire need of donor and volunteer assistance. We are very grateful to your association for helping us to continue to give things to those in need.»
Volunteer Tatiana said that she has been helping at the headquarters for more than a month. During this time she managed to do many good deeds.
«I am glad that I can help those who need it. I am currently calling people for whom we have already managed to form packages with humanitarian aid. There is a lot of work every day, help will not hurt. Therefore, I urge everyone to join our volunteer movement and work together to bring our victory closer.»