
The Russian army is conducting offensive operations in the direction of Trudolyubivka, Orikhiv district, Zaporizhia region, 8 houses in the town of Polohy were damaged, and a passenger car was damaged at the railway station in the town of Molochansk.
In the Zaporozhye direction, the enemy is conducting offensive operations in the direction of the village of Trudolyubivka. The situation remains under control.
In the town of Polohy, as a result of enemy shelling, 8 houses were damaged and reeds were burned.
In Vasylivka, as a result of Russian strikes, the auxiliary room of a gas station burned down.
In the city of Molochansk, Pologi district, a railway passenger car was damaged by fire at the railway station due to military actions of the Russian Federation.
The Russians caused fires on the territory of private households in Orikhiv
There are no details yet about the consequences of the morning missile strikes on Zaporizhia.
In the area of the village of Komyshuvakha, the demining team of the State Emergency Service destroyed the remnants of “Hurricane" missiles, and in the Tavriya Pologi district, 12 remnants of the “Hurricane" and a 152-millimeter artillery shell were neutralized.
62 people, including 58 men and 4 women, were detained and taken to police stations for violating curfew rules.
During the past 24hrs, 28 detainees were sent to regional territorial centers of staffing and social support, and they were handed summonses.
Sourse — pravda.com.ua