
Mariupol remains the hottest spot in Donetsk region. 95% of the city was destroyed by the Russian occupiers. There is no light, water, heating, communication, food. It is unknown how many people remain in the city.
© TSN photo source || Mariupol
Russian propagandists announced a parade on May 9 in Mariupol
The Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine reports on the manipulation of Russian propaganda about the announcement of an “immortal regiment" action on the ruins of Ukrainian Mariupol. Such statements should be regarded as announcing the complete armed capture of Mariupol by the Russian Armed Forces.
Podoliak and Arahamiya confirm: they are ready to go to Mariupol for talks on Azov
Adviser to the President’s Office Mykhailo Podoliak and MP David Arahamiya confirmed the statement of Azov Regiment Deputy Commander Sviatoslav Palamar regarding possible talks on evacuating the military garrison with the Russian side, even in the blocked city.
© TSN photo source || Mariupol
For evacuation from Mariupol: Ukraine supports UN initiative on “Easter truce"
Ukraine supports UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ initiative to introduce a four-day Easter “humanitarian pause" in Ukraine on April 21. This pause is necessary for the safe evacuation of thousands of civilians from the long-suffering Mariupol. This was reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
The President of the European Council addressed the residents and Ukrainian military of Mariupol and Donbass
The President of the European Council Charles Michel addressed the civilians and the Ukrainian military of Mariupol and Donbass. He stressed that our army is fighting for Ukraine’s independence and European values. He spoke about this during a visit to Kyiv.
© TSN photo source || Mariupol
Zelensky is ready to exchange prisoners of war of the Russian Federation for defenders and civilians of Mariupol
The Ukrainian side is ready to exchange Russian prisoners of war for a safe passage for Ukrainian civilians and the military in Mariupol, said President Volodymyr Zelensky. He said that in the besieged Mariupol, on the territory of the Azovstal plant, about a thousand civilians are hiding. According to the head of state, the situation in Mariupol is rapidly deteriorating.
“Do you think it’s real?" – Arestovich named 6 things for the unblocking of Mariupol
Adviser to the head of the President’s Office Oleksiy Arestovych stated that the situation in Mariupol is a difficult problem and explained why the unblocking of the city is currently impossible. Six things would have to be done to unblock Mariupol, said an adviser to the head of the OP.
© TSN photo source || Mariupol
Tortured by electricity to extract false confessions: a foreigner told about Russian captivity in Mariupol
Hussein Abdullayev, a third-year student at Mariupol State University, was taken prisoner by the occupiers on March 17 while trying to leave the city. The young man was subjected to brutal torture by the occupiers for almost a month, said Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Lyudmila Denisova.
NATO Allies May Be Involved in Safe Exit of Civilians from Mariupol – US Department of State
A spokesman for the US State Department said that NATO allies could be involved in the safe exit of civilians from Mariupol. The American high-ranking official said that there was some hope that the Russians could allow safe passage of civilians and wounded soldiers from Mariupol.
© TSN photo source || Mariupol
Survived the Holocaust, but died of racism: 91-year-old Wanda Obedkova died in the cold basement of Mariupol

Eighty years after escaping from the Nazis, Wanda Semenovna died during the war with the Russian army. 91-year-old Wanda Obiedkova died in the basement of Mariupol. She survived the Holocaust, and at the end of her life she wanted to know only one thing: “Why is this happening again?" The report on the woman was published in Chabad.org.

We will remind, the 23-year-old girl carried out special operation on rescue of relatives and their neighbors from the blocked Mariupol. Nastya bought a bead, loaded it with what she needed, and found a driver who agreed to take her parents out of town.

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Source — ТСН