
Oksana Umanets, a nurse at the anesthesiology department of the Chernihiv Regional Hospital, rescued someone who needed her help.

Oksana Umanets, a nurse in the anesthesiology department at the Chernihiv Regional Hospital, who remained in occupied Chernihiv and continued to guard her life in hell, lifted a 120-kg soldier with a severed limb full of ammunition into the operating room. Oksana, who weighs 55 kg, was able to save someone who needed her help.
This story was one of many in a series about the courage of Ukrainian doctors, their desperation and heroism during the war, the Ministry of Health reports.
“The Ministry of Health is joining the BRAVEUKRAINE campaign, which focuses on telling the world about the courage of Ukrainians. We will show the courage of Ukrainian doctors, their desperation and heroism during the war. And we have something to tell, Nurses, pharmacists and a huge number of volunteers saved hundreds of thousands of lives"
, — writes the press service.
These are all health care workers. Systems that are hardened the only mechanism whose main purpose – to save, no matter what.
“Professionalism, dedication and determination are the traits of Ukrainian doctors who guard Ukrainian life during the war"
, — writes the press service.
Джерело — TSN