Given the difficult situation in which Ukrainians find themselves, the prevention of dehydration is still a very important issue. The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has prepared some tips to help citizens who are in the territory with constant interruptions of water supply or its complete absence.
To begin with, it is necessary to determine how to recognize dehydration and what contributes to it.
Thus, dehydration is facilitated by:
- • limited water consumption;
- • fever;
- • diarrhea;
- • vomit;
- • excessive sweating;
- • frequent urination;
- • diabetes;
- • use of diuretics – diuretics;
- • Addison's disease (chronic adrenal insufficiency).
However, you can always prevent dehydration if you know how to act. Namely:
- • Drink fluids when you feel thirsty, and even more so – the symptoms of dehydration.
- • If you find it difficult to drink because of feeling unwell, start with small sips, and then gradually drink more.
- • Give the child liquid from a small spoon to make it easier for him to swallow.
- • Drink enough during the day so that the urine is pale yellow or clear.
- • It is better to take a few sips of water often than to drink 1-2 times a day.
- • Drink more when there is a risk of dehydration due to vomiting, profuse sweating or diarrhea.
Importantly! Do not drink carbonated beverages, alcohol, sugary drinks or caffeine during dehydration.
It is worth noting that not everyone can recognize the signs of dehydration. Or they do not suspect that, for example, dry mouth is one of the initial symptoms of dehydration. Therefore, below you can get acquainted with the various signs of lack of water in the body.

Signs of moderate dehydration:
- • thirst;
- • dry mouth;
- • dark yellow color of urine;
- • dry and cool skin;
- • headache;
- • muscle cramps;
- • decrease in the amount of urine during urination.
Signs of severe dehydration:
- • thirst;
- • very dry skin;
- • dryness of the mucous membranes and tongue;
- • general weakness;
- • urination less than 4 times a day or no urine;
- • feeling dizzy;
- • rapid heartbeat and respiration;
- • inflamed eyes;
- • drowsiness, lethargy, confusion and irritability;
- • possible short-term loss of consciousness.

It should also be noted that infants have slightly different symptoms of dehydration from adults.
In infants and young children, the lack of water in the body is manifested as follows:
- • dry mouth;
- • no tears when the baby cries;
- • dry diapers for three hours;
- • inflamed eyes, cheeks, soft temples on top of the skull;
- • drowsiness, weakness, lethargy or irritability.
Be careful, take care of yourself and your children!