
Chemical weapons are one of the most dangerous in the enemy’s arsenal. Such a group of weapons is very difficult to capture, almost always post factum.
As a rule, preparations of chemical weapons quickly penetrate the skin, respiratory and mucous membranes, textiles, paper, etc. Among the dangerous chemicals used for mass destruction by the aggressor country are:
1.Novichek. The main symptoms of poisoning:
– the appearance of wheezing in the lungs;
– miosis;
– increased sweating;
– difficulty breathing;
– convulsions;
– involuntary urination, defecation;
– vomiting.
2. Sarin. Symptoms of poisoning:
– overexcitation of motility;
– involuntary contraction of secretory glands and muscles, and therefore there are cramps and paralysis;
– contraction of respiratory and cardiac muscles without the participation of consciousness;
– also reduction of the bladder, pupils, muscles of the digestive tract.


3. Yperite. Symptoms of poisoning:
– The first signs – redness of the skin, itching, burning;
– dry skin, feeling of tightness, heat;
– after 16-30 hours, small bubbles appear on the body, which then merge into one, filled with yellow liquid;
– when the bubble bursts, ulcers remain on the body, which are very painful and heal within 2 months;
– Scars may appear due to repeated poisoning.
4. VX. Symptoms of ingestion:
– 1-2 minutes after taking – the pupils narrow;
– 2-4 minutes after ingestion – increased salivation and sweating;
– 5-10 minutes after taking – there are cramps, paralysis, spasms;
– 10-15 minutes after admission – death occurs.
Symptoms of skin infection:
– appear in a few minutes – an hour;
– muscle twitching at the site of infection;
– convulsions and weakness;
– paralysis.
5. Soman. Symptoms of the lesion:
– appear in a few minutes – an hour;
– muscle twitching at the site of infection;
– convulsions and weakness;
– paralysis.
But in addition to the presented chemicals, it is also worth highlighting the emissions of ammonia, which we have already encountered in Ukraine. Ammonia is lighter than air, so shelters, basements and lower floors should be used for protection.


In case of ammonia poisoning, the following actions should be performed:
– remove the affected person to fresh air;
– give him warm milk with baking soda;
– wear a cotton gauze bandage soaked in water, preferably 5% acetic or citric acid solution;
– in case of contact with eyes – rinse with water or wipe with Vaseline or olive oil;
– in case of skin lesions – wash with clean water, make lotions with 5% acetic or citric acid solution.


We also do not forget about phosphorus bombs, which are not inferior to others in terms of their damage to the human body. Phosphorus bombardment causes:
– large-scale fires;
– chemical contamination of soils;
– causes severe chemical burns, bone and bone marrow damage in case of contact with human skin.


In case of white phosphorus damage, the following first aid rules should be followed:
– do not touch the phosphorus particles on the skin or clothes with your hands;
– If possible, immerse the damaged part of the body in water. Abundantly water or moisten the skin and clothing with water where there are drops of phosphorus;
– Carefully remove clothing (preferably directly in water or by continuing to water the skin and clothing where there are drops of phosphorus);
– Treat the wound with soda solution: add 1 teaspoon of soda to one glass of water;
– Drink plenty of water, milk or alkaline water without gas;
– Give a painkiller and sedative to a conscious person with phosphorus burns.
It’s important! Under no circumstances use hydrogen peroxide and cotton wool when treating wounds, as phosphorus breaks down into water and oxygen. The latter causes the ignition of phosphorus.