
The ruthless war, which has been going on in Ukraine for 47 days, has killed 183 children. Unfortunately, these figures are inconsistent. Work is still underway to establish them in the territories of hostilities, occupied and liberated territories. According to reports, more than 342 children were injured.
Among the victims are also children who have witnessed violent crimes committed before their eyes, they have received very severe psychological trauma and need the support of loved ones, a long process of treatment and rehabilitation. The story of children from Bucha who lost their mothers is a real and scary example of psychological trauma for children.
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Vova is 10 years old, Vlad – 6. They came to my mother, brought candy. They are placed on wet ground. Next to the canned food that was brought earlier.
«So that she is not hungry, we also worry about her»
– says Vova.
Older sister Sofiyka, 13, does not go to the burial place. She holds on with all her might. But it hurts too much. The boys together with Ivan (stepfather) visit their mother every day.
«We miss you, we miss you very much. I would give anything to get you back. I love you mom»
– says one of the sons
These children, like many others, were orphaned during this difficult time, they need medical care to return to normal life. Unfortunately. there are many such children and their number is increasing every day.