People are forced to leave their homes because of the war. Every second resident was evacuated from Kyiv during the hostilities.
In a hurry, some people leave their animals in apartments and houses. Without water and food, closed animals are doomed to death.
To save them, concerned Kyivites founded the ZooPatrol organization. In three weeks, volunteers have rescued more than 200 animals, and another 500 pets have been rescued by ordinary people who watched video instructions on the ZooPatrol's social networks.

It all began with one life
After the start of the war, producer Dmytro Revnyuk decided not to leave Kyiv. One day, a neighbor asked her husband to rescue a cat she had left in an apartment during an evacuation. Dmytro and a friend cut off the door in a “barbaric way" and rescued an animal that had been locked up for a week.
“The cat was happy, climbed to hug, muttered. This inspired me to take further action, so I published a post about the free release of animals"
– remembers Dmitry
People from all over asked to save their pets. Then Dmytro and his wife decided to establish an organization, to which he joined his friend Maria Yerokhina. That's how “ZooPatrol" appeared. Currently, about 13 taxi drivers are working in Kyiv.
“At the start, we received about 100 requests a day, and now – 800"
– tells Maria Yerokhina, the main coordinator of “Zoopatrol"

Initially, Maria received requests by phone, SMS or social networks. But later she created a Google form, which is now being filled out by the owners. Dozens of volunteers joined the initiative.
Some are patrolling, while others are compiling spreadsheets, receiving calls from hotlines or answering messages on social networks.
“Before leaving, we always find out the urgency of the rescue. Many people save animals according to our video instructions, in which we explain how best to save the animal. “
– emphasizes Maria

Way to freedom
To save the animal, zoo patrols go to the address. Then, with the permission of the owner, there are three options for rescue.
First, volunteers drill a small hole in a door or wall. Food is poured through it, and water is poured into the animal through a tube.
The second option is a hole. It is done either in the door itself or in the wall next to it. This option is much better, because the animal can leave the apartment. Then it is passed on to neighbors, relatives or friends.

The third way, which occurs only with the video consent of the owner of the apartment, is to “break" the door or the lock itself.
“We go into the apartment, take the animal's things: a carrier, a toilet, food. Then we close the apartment so that no one else gets there."
– emphasizes Maria
Volunteers Irina and Gleb rescued more than a dozen “prisoners" apartments. Husband and wife have been helping four-legged friends since the beginning of the war.
“When the war broke out and the first shock passed, my wife and I began to look for something that could be useful. Territorial defense in Kyiv was already instantly formed, so we decided to volunteer"
– tells Gleb.
The man says that he understands the owners who feel the torture of conscience because they left their friends, and hopes that after the victory the pet owners will return.

Recently, a couple rescued a dog named Jackson. The owner of the animal, Irina, left Kyiv, so Jackson was left alone. Then the couple decided to take care of the dog.
“This is an adult dog with a very difficult life. He has his own booth in the parking lot, so we will visit and feed him until Iryna arrives in Kyiv."
– says Gleb.

Another rescued cat, 15-year-old Lenya. An application to save the cat was sent one of the first. The hostess sent the keys to the apartment to volunteers who came by mail in 9 days
Volunteers rescued Lenya during a call with the owner, a local territorial harrow and neighbors were nearby. At the time of the patrol's arrival, the cat was out of food and almost out of water.

“The cat is very patient and tidy. During the whole time of independent stay in the apartment, which is about 19-20 days, he defecated only in the right place, did not damage anything and was very sad. Willingly ate, drank water. Very much needs attention, communication"
– recalls volunteer Anna Oksimets

Now the cat is cared for by an acquaintance of the hostess, but the woman maybe can leave the city. So volunteers are urging those who want to take care of Lenya to respond.
The ZooPatrol really needs people who are ready to take animals, or shelters that are ready to take animals. Often, the organization's volunteers take the four-legged friends to their home and become their temporary caregivers.
So far, ZooPatrol saves the most cats and dogs, because to save the animals locked in cages, owners must give permission to cut the hinges on the door or send the keys to the apartment by mail.
Volunteers ask the owners not to delay the rescue of the animals, because the pet may simply not wait. Unfortunately, this happened to the yellow parrot.
“When they received the keys from the owner, we went into the house, but it was too late because the parrot was dead. We do not always have time. He was left with a lot of food, but almost no water"
– says Maria.

The most scarce things that patrols need are animal feed and fuel. Volunteers are constantly feeding the animals, leaving food for those who care for them, and distributing food to shelters.
People buy tools at their own expense to “release" animals, such as a hammer or drill. Now the organization is looking for professional “hunters" of animals.
“We ask volunteers to be careful and take care of themselves, because alive they can save more animals"
– says Maria