
The National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine from the Consequences of the War created a working group on health care issues. Its main goal is the preparation of the "Health Care System Restoration Plan 2022-2032". Currently, active Ukrainian medical workers are encouraged to join the development of the project.

In the message of the Ministry of Health, it is noted that the post-war recovery and development of Ukraine must first of all provide for the regeneration of the entire health care system as one of the most important components of humanitarian policy.
The draft "Health Care Recovery Plan" includes nine key priorities:
1. Strengthening the policies and institutions of the national health care system to guide the recovery process.
2. Ensuring the financial stability of the health care system.
3. Restoration and transformation of the network of healthcare institutions.
4. Expansion of medical services to meet the special needs of people (including IDPs, war veterans) caused by war.
5. Strengthening and strengthening of personnel resources of the health care system.
6. Strengthening the public health system and preparedness for emergency situations in the field of health care.
7. Development of the electronic health care system and strengthening of cyber security.
8. Strengthening the quality management system at the national and local levels.
9. Rebuilding the pharmaceutical sector, improving access and appropriate use of medicines.
You can familiarize yourself with the already existing offers by following the link.But your proposals should be sent by August 2, 2022 to the e-mail address s.ostashko@moz.gov.ua