
The Ukrainian Ministry of Health announced that the popular ATLS guide with a Ukrainian translation has finally become freely available. This became possible thanks to the support of the International Organization of Doctors «Global Medical Knowledge Alliance».

It is noted that the publication consists of 13 chapters and contains meaningful information on the management of patients with injuries of the chest, head, musculoskeletal system, eye, during pregnancy and as a result of violence. There is also information on the management of patients with burns, conducting an initial examination, providing assistance in conditions of mass incidents, limited resources and during hostilities. Its developers are the American College of Surgeons
The manual will be useful for workers of emergency medical aid teams, doctors of emergency medicine, average medical staff of emergency (urgent) medical aid departments. They should also be used by surgeons, orthopedic traumatologists, and anesthesiologists who provide medical assistance to trauma patients
You can get access to the publication by following the link.
As a reminder, this week the Association of Ambulatory Physicians held a webinar on the topic: «Gastroenterological diseases in medical practice», it is available on record.