
The brutality of modern war just does not fit in your head, the data that changes every day becomes scary. Innocent children are suffering and dying in the 21st century. Their lives are ruined by explosions, shots and starvation…
“As of the morning of the 31st day of full-scale war in our country, 136 children died. 199 children were injured. The most affected children were in Kyiv region – 64, Kharkiv region – 44, Donetsk region – 50, Chernihiv region – 38, Mykolaiv region – 28, Luhansk region – 25, Zaporizhia region – 17, Kherson region – 20, capital city – 16, Zhytomyr region – 15, and Sumy region – 14”

– according to the Office of the Attorney General.

These data are not final, as it is not possible to inspect the places of shelling in areas of active hostilities and in the temporarily occupied territories.
A very tragic story became known today:

“In Mariupol the shot in the face injured 11-year-old girl. The bullet passed through the jaw and injured the root of the tongue. The child is currently in hospital, she can barely walk, but fortunately, her condition is improving”

– reported the British newspaper CNN, whose correspondent personally visited a children's clinic in Ukraine.
It is impossible to imagine the pain and despair of parents who lose their dearest. According to reports, at least 5 children are killed every day. But we all believe that soon everything will be over and children across the country will be able to return to normal life, dream, run and laugh, and we, adults, will do everything possible to do so.